Better Approaches for Protecting Data

Defending Data Smartly
Author: ISACA Now
Date Published: 31 August 2022

Savvier approaches to protecting data have become a must as the threat landscape becomes increasingly challenging for enterprises to defend against.

To help remedy enterprises’ often antiquated defense protocols, ISACA’s new white paper, Defending Data Smartly, outlines an improved path forward through technical solutions and strategic approaches.

If data are not effectively protected in a way that negates the data’s value for an attacker, then the entire business is at risk. Focal points of the ISACA white paper offers include:

  • Data loss prevention
  • Compliance versus security
  • Privacy and security alignment
  • Strategic approach to problems

“Given the growing volume, value and varieties of data that must be addressed to properly protect the information, it is critical to prioritize digital trust—which is not without its challenges,” said Jonathan Brandt, Director of Professional Practices and Innovation. “ISACA is providing this resource to the digital trust community to help enterprises improve their defense of data.”

To download a complimentary copy of the Defending Data Smartly white paper, visit Additional resources from ISACA can be found at and