ISACA’s annual State of Cybersecurity report provides an environmental scan of the cyber workforce and real-world implications of enterprise budgets, the length of time required to fill positions, and what skills cyber professionals need to ensure success in their roles. In the 2021 report, there are some concerning statistics. Hiring managers struggle to find qualified candidates; 50% of those surveyed generally do not believe their applicants are well qualified. While technical skills remain in significant demand, employers are seeking well-rounded candidates with solid soft skills—but finding them is a challenge: 56% reported that their cyber candidates lack the soft skills (communication, leadership, accountability) needed to be successful in their roles.
One In Tech, an ISACA foundation, is tackling the cyber workforce issue through connecting tech professionals and the future leaders of cybersecurity. Through our SheLeadsTech and Young Leaders in Tech initiatives, we are working to grow and diversify the workforce, developing programs to help under-represented groups enter and succeed in the profession. To help develop the next generation of cyber professionals and leaders, we are also working to increase access and affordability of resources and opportunities. Soft skills like communication and leadership aren’t developed overnight; providing space to grow these skills is also a critical piece of strengthening the profession.
Two event series in the coming months are in support of this mission. The SheLeadsTech Social Cocktail Series, co-hosted virtually by One In Tech and Women4Cyber, runs 7 July-18 August for a bi-weekly, one-hour social event in a variety of time zones to ensure global participation. We are providing a relaxed, gender-inclusive opportunity for networking, discussion, music and refreshments because we want to connect members of a diverse and distanced community to strengthen bonds and share ideas. All women in cyber roles and their allies are invited to come, experience a new drink or mocktail, and discuss obstacles and solutions you are facing in your cyber roles and careers.
Our School Break Cyber Series is an opportunity for students ages 8-13 to learn cybersecurity basics including online privacy, encryption and social engineering to help them grow into healthy digital citizens. The six-part virtual series, running from 20 July-31 August, is a no-cost opportunity to experience the CyberSleuths curriculum and videos, which not only build online navigation skills but also expose students to careers in cybersecurity. OIT’s Young Leaders in Tech program is partnering with six ISACA chapters and BitsN'Bytes Cybersecurity Education to host each event and registration is open for children, parents and caregivers, educators and ISACA members. Organizations that serve under-resourced children will also be given information on how to engage kids with the School Break Cyber Series.
The School Break Cyber Series is a fun way for kids to experience cybersecurity from a tech professional’s perspective, and to view tech and cybersecurity as possible future career paths. Even for kids who won’t eventually enter tech careers, understanding how cybersecurity is critical in protecting business, infrastructure and government will help them become good digital citizens and understand the role technology plays in their daily lives.
As always, our community relies on the expertise and generosity of volunteers and donors. For more information on collaborating with One In Tech, visit our website and share how you want to help us build a healthy digital world.
Connecting Community to Build the Future of Cybersecurity

Author: ISACA Now
Date Published: 30 June 2021
Related: State of Cybersecurity 2020 Part 2: Threat Landscape and Security Practices | Digital | English
Date Published: 30 June 2021
Related: State of Cybersecurity 2020 Part 2: Threat Landscape and Security Practices | Digital | English